Welcome to the Catalytic Leadership Weekly, where each Monday you’ll get an update on the newest episode of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast, see the 3 books I’m currently reading, read 2 quotes that grabbed my attention this week, and find 1 story that made me think or resource that I like and think you might find helpful.
I’m always looking for ways to “make it better,” and I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you for being a part of Catalytic Leadership!
I am looking for 3 more agency or business owners leading employees or teams where your people are adding MORE stress to you instead of REDUCING your stress. I have 3 spots left for my 30 Day “Team Turnaround” quick fix program.
If you’re interested in more details, just reply to this email with TEAM TURNAROUND and I’ll share more details (or please share this email with someone you know that might need this).
This week’s episode of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast:
How Improving Your Networking, Negotiating, Leadership, and Communication Skills WILL Change Your Life, with Mark Herschberg
Leadership, networking, negotiation, teamwork, effective communication–all skills we’re told are essential for success, but skills that are rarely ever taught. Why aren’t colleges teaching what you talk about in the Career Toolkit?
Why do people need a career plan?
How should people build their network?
In the book you claim someone can make $30,000 with your advice; that’s a pretty bold claim, how can they do this?
In this week’s episode, William interviews Mark Herschberg, the author of The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You and creator of the Brain Bump app. From tracking criminals and terrorists on the dark web to creating marketplaces and new authentication systems, Mark has spent his career launching and developing new ventures at startups and Fortune 500s and in academia, with over a dozen patents to his name. He helped to start the Undergraduate Practice Opportunities Program, dubbed MIT’s “career success accelerator,” where he teaches annually.
At MIT, he received a B.S. in physics, a B.S. in electrical engineering & computer science, and a masters in electrical engineering & computer science, focusing on cryptography.
At Harvard Business School, Mark helped create a platform used to teach finance at prominent business schools. He also works with many non-profits, currently serving on the board of Plant A Million Corals. He was one of the top-ranked ballroom dancers in the country and now lives in New York City, where he is known for his social gatherings and his diverse cufflink collection.
The resources Mark mentioned can be found at Thecareertoolkitbook.com and Brainbumpapp.com.
3 Books I’m Reading This Week
Risk by General Stanley McCrystal
Founding Father: Rediscovering George Washington by Richard Brookhiser
Think Again by Adam Grant
2 Quotes That Grabbed My Attention
“Crisis is not just a disruptor; it’s an accelerator.” —Carey Nieuwhof
“There is something in the very depths of our souls that tells us the world is more than just a series of events.” —Louis Pasteur
1 Resource That You Might Find Helpful
Almost a year ago now, I launched the Catalytic Leadership Podcast. As with any new projects, I’ve learned a LOT and benefited from many people who have shared tips and suggestions with me. My goal is to continue growing, continue learning, and continue developing a resource that will serve leaders no matter where they are in their journey or where they lead.
If you are a podcaster, or if you want to be a guest on podcasts, I want to recommend a resource that I’ve been using for about 16 months now – PodMatch. This is a fantastic platform that will match guests and shows, based on the criteria that you list and the profile you create. You can accept the match, reject the match, get more information from the show/guest – it’s a great solution for both hosts and guests. Check it out here: https://www.joinpodmatch.com/williamattaway
(That is an affiliate link, for which I earn a referral fee if you become a PodMatch user.)
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That’s it for this week’s newsletter. Let me know what you think!
–William Attaway
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