Welcome to the Catalytic Leadership Weekly, where each week you’ll get an update on the newest episodes of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast, see the 3 books I’m currently reading, read 2 quotes that grabbed my attention this week, and find 1 story that made me think or resource that I like and think you might find helpful. 

I’m always looking for ways to “make it better,” and I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you for being a part of Catalytic Leadership!

Today’s episode of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast:

How To Use Systems And Structure To Find Freedom, with Annelise Worn

Ever felt trapped in the rigid confines of a 9-5 job that offers little to no flexibility? Meet Annelise Worn, a business strategist and agency CEO who managed to transform failing work-life balance into a flourishing business. Listen to her inspiring story of leadership, systems, and the ultimate journey to freedom. 

Discover how Annelise, from her in-laws’ kitchen table, built a business without any prior business know-how. Learn the power of systems, policies, and procedures that turned her team into a powerhouse of productivity. We delve into how a change in her reading list, podcasts, and conversations reshaped her insights and learning. On a more personal note, uncover the sweet spot between family life and work she found amidst the pandemic, all thanks to systems and structures that gave her the freedom to enjoy life.

As a leader, it’s important to care for your self, set boundaries, and lead by example. Annalise opens up on how she treats herself like a million-dollar racehorse to achieve peak performance, with her unique system of professional development, strategic thinking, and life GPS document. Are you ready to break free from fear, embrace change, and start your leadership growth journey? This episode is for you.

3 Books I’m Reading This Week

Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Handbook of Silicon Valley’s Bill Campbell by Eric Schmidt, Jonathan Rosenberg, and Alan Eagle

The Performance Paradox: Turning the Power of Mindset Into Action by Eduardo Briceño

All It Takes Is a Goal: The 3-Step Plan to Ditch Regret and Tap Into Your Massive Potential by Jon Acuff

2 Quotes That Grabbed My Attention

“History is the study of surprises.” –History Professor Edward T. O’Donnell

“When you win, say nothing; when you lose say less.” –Wayne Gretzky

1 Resource That You Might Find Helpful

So much discussion around remote work these days, and so many companies trying to pressure people back into the office. Check out this article from Harvard Business School re: a recent study on this topic. Does Hybrid Work Actually Work?

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That’s it for this week’s newsletter. Let me know what you think!

–William Attaway 

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