Welcome to the Catalytic Leadership Weekly, where each Monday you’ll get an update on the newest episode of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast, see the 3 books I’m currently reading, read 2 quotes that grabbed my attention this week, and find 1 story that made me think or resource that I like and think you might find helpful. 

I’m always looking for ways to “make it better,” and I’d love to hear your feedback. Thank you for being a part of Catalytic Leadership!

This week’s episode of the Catalytic Leadership Podcast:

How Confidence Affects Your Leadership, with Sharon Hughes

What is the difference between confidence and self worth?

Can a person have one and not the other?

How does a lack of confidence affect leadership?

This week on the podcast​, William interviews Sharon Hughes, the 2X award winning author of The Girl In The Garage: 3 Steps to Letting Go Of Your Past​, a faith based book for breaking free from a lack of confidence, self-worth issues, and a painful past.

She’s the founder of Confidence Academy, the host of Called to Confidence podcast, and a confidence and Self-worth expert.

She is an excellent communicator that speaks in a “best friend over coffee” style that is easy to connect with. 

When she’s not encouraging others, or plotting her next book; you can find her gazing at a California sunset, petting every dog that crosses her path and eating obscene amounts of popcorn. 

Check out this link ​to grab your free “4 Steps To a More Confident You” workbook from Sharon.​

3 Books I’m Reading This Week

High Performance Habits​ by Brendon Burchard

Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart by Mary Beth O’Neill

Trust: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken​ by Dr. Henry Cloud

2 Quotes That Grabbed My Attention

“Encouragement is 51% of leadership.”  —Dan Reiland

“If you’re a learner everybody is a teacher.” – Claude Thomas

1 Story That Made Me Think

John Maxwell tells, in Developing the Leaders Around You, an anecdote about David Ogilvy, founder of the giant advertising agency Ogilvy and Mather. He says that Ogilvy understood the law of diminishing expertise. Ogilvy used to give each new manager in his organization a Russian doll. The doll contained five progressively smaller dolls nested inside one another. A message inside the smallest one read “If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy and Mather will become a company of giants.”

Do you tend to hire or recruit people whose ability and expertise are beneath yours? If so, then over time the number of people with low expertise will FAR exceed the leaders who have great expertise. 

Do you hire the most highly developed leaders you can get?

Do you model healthy leadership?

Are you committed to developing the leadership of those around you?

Great leaders develop others. It’s just what they do. I challenge you to answer the questions above honestly – and then determine what your next right step is toward great leadership. 

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That’s it for this week’s newsletter.

Let me know what you think!

–William Attaway 

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